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Attorney Scot Kraeuter

Savannah Personal Injury Attorney

Fighting for the Results You Need & Deserve

A serious personal injury can devastate your life and finances. Whether you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident involving a car, truck, or motorcycle, or dealing with the tragic wrongful death of a family member, it is hard enough to focus on healing and recovering. Many victims like you are often fighting large companies and organizations who have teams of lawyers trained to give you as little financial compensation as possible. You need someone who can fight back just as hard.

Scot Kraeuter is an experienced and accomplished personal injury attorney who will fight hard and help you get the result you deserve. With more than 28 years of proven trial experience and a track record that totals over $31 million in settlements and verdicts, our team has earned a reputation for securing real results for clients. No matter how complex your case gets, you can trust our team to be there for you – fighting until we obtain a positive outcome on your behalf.

Service Areas

At Scot Kraeuter Personal Injury, we are dedicated to fighting for the results you need and deserve. We offer legal representation in several areas of personal injury.

Truck Accident Savannah

Wrongful Death Savannah

Car Accidents Savannah

Catastrophic Injuries Savannah

Premises Liability Savannah

Motorcycle Accidents Savannah

Work Injuries Savannah

Pedestrian Accidents Savannah

Trucking Accidents

Trucking companies in Georgia have a reputation for being aggressive and merciless when it comes to fighting back against claims regarding liability in an accident. Scot Kraeuter can help your injury claim by investigating HOS logs, truck maintenance records, bills of lading, personnel reports, and other aspects involved in filing an injury claim due to a truckers’ negligence.

Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one is devastating. Our compassionate injury lawyer understands that there is justice that needs to be served to the responsible parties after they have passed away due to someone else’s negligence. Wrongful death claims may cover lost wages, emotional trauma, financial losses, or medical and burial expenses.

Car Accidents

Car accidents can be devastating and leave those involved with serious injuries. Car accidents are the leading cause for death in the United States, and common reasons for those accidents include distracted driving, failure to abide to traffic laws, speeding, reckless driving, drunk driving, and many more. If you have been injured in a car crash by someone who was driving with negligence, our attorneys can help you seek compensation and justice for your suffering.

Catastrophic Injury

A catastrophic injury is a traumatizing experience for all of those who are involved. These types of injuries are permanent and can turn an individual’s life upside down. Catastrophic injuries may include amputation, brain injuries, burn injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis and more. Seek justice for your suffering by filing an injury claim and partnering with our injury lawyer in Savannah for dedicated representation.

Premises Liability

When you visit someone else’s property, the last thing that you expect is to sustain injuries while you are there. Premises liability claims are the result of someone getting hurt due to negligence by the property owner. These types of negligence may include broken flooring, insufficient security, missing railings, unmarked wet floors, and more. Seek justice for your pain with our injury lawyer in Savannah.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are one of the most deadly types of accidents due to the motorist’s limited protection while operating their vehicle. These types of accidents can cause serious injuries such as broken bones, burns, cuts, road rash, spinal cord injuries, whiplash, and many more. If you are facing medical expenses, trauma, and financial stress after a motorcycle accident, contact our attorneys to seek compensation.

Work Injuries

Many employers are required to have insurance to cover the medical expenses and lost wages of injured workers. You may find yourself in a situation where your employer is not covering your claim due to an accident by a third party. Third party claims can still be pursued for compensation, and it is essential that you reach out to our dedicated work injury firm to seek justice for your damages and lost wages during this difficult time.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians have the same rights to exercise as motor vehicle drivers but they are often forgotten about. This causes severe pedestrian accidents that happen every day in the United States. These types of accidents may be the result of distracted driving, low visibility, poor road conditions, reckless driving, drunk driving, or turning without checking a crosswalk. Hold the responsible parties accountable for your damages by contacting Scot Kraeuter, personal injury attorney.

What Makes Attorney Scot Kraeuter Different?
Every case is personal. We invest in our clients.
We are always available when you need us.
Consultations are always FREE.
No fees until you win or collect.
Over $31 million won in settlements & verdicts.
Over 28 Years of Personal Injury Trial Experience.
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See How We Helped Clients Win Compensation in Car Accidents, Wrongful Death & More. Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!